Yesterday Vision, Tomorrow Expectations
Yesterday Vision,Tomorrow Expectation
June 8, 2017
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18
The only time we have an opportunity to visit yesterday is through the avenue of our thoughts. For our thoughts will always be a compartment to memories we encounter on this journey of life. Many times we try to hold on to yesterday not allowing ourselves to unleash the expectation of tomorrow. Of course these memories can promote growth but they can also hinder the productivity of a transformation in our lives. We must also allow ourselves to be consume by a vision in order to find common ground on who you are now and who you are to become.
When a college student enters her freshman year of Nursing School,her vision allows her to see herself in a hospital tending to the sick or a Law Student who just entered law school but his vision allow's him to see himself in a courtroom disputing cases. A vision pushes us into tomorrow, compelling us to build a home in the future, rather than making our home in the past. So don't permit your future to be a replica of your past..
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